I’m pleased to present you the third collection of quotes from my latest book, Beyond Machine Man: Who we really are and why Transhumanism is just an empty promise!
By necessity, every quote is taken out of context and may therefore not always make much sense. There is no particular order and not all chapters and topics are represented in this small selection. Nor are the most perplexing conclusions reached in The Ten Theses Beyond Machine Man.
Please note that while talking about transhumanism, we mainly focus on its primary goals like solving the problem of our mortality, curing all disease, augmenting our bodies, uploading our minds, and so on. These days, many quite popular writers seem to confuse transhumanism with other agendas like eugenics and population control or technocratic authoritarianism and the ever-expanding surveillance state.
Sure, some proponents of the latter nefarious agendas are also pursuing transhumanist objectives. But only for themselves! The typical normal transhumanist however is simply an enthusiastic, usually well-intentioned and perhaps a bit desperate technophile wanting to live forever. Happily and healthily. They may be naive dreamers, but surely are not psychopathic control freaks (like the others).
The only common denominator of all of the above agendas is that they are all inherent and therefore inevitable consequences of the currently still prevailing Machine Man dogma…
Not knowing any of the basic answers to all of the crucial questions however is certainly no obstacle to diehard disciples of transhumanism and their newly-found religion for atheists. And a religion it sure is; it is featuring all the required hallmarks and dogmatic beliefs.
Even a most detailed temporary snapshot of our brains will not magically make us alive again when it is run as a software version on a computer that operates an artificial robot body.
Beliefs that are aligned with truths usually bring happiness, and vice versa.
The problem with the easy problems is only that they too are actually hard problems since none of them have been solved yet.
In the meantime, in sharp contrast and not at all surprising, Machine Man psychologists are literally afraid of their brains.
P.S. The whole paragraph reads like this:
In the meantime, in sharp contrast and not at all surprising, Machine Man psychologists are literally afraid of their brains. They say that our brains have a neural bias for negativity and will release stressful hormones and neurotransmitters whenever we think or say negative words of any kind, like 'no' or 'disease' and 'poverty' or 'death.' Even worse, for them, they believe that their brains only barely respond to positive thoughts and words.
People with widely scattered minds are more likely to become victims of hypnosis, brainwashing or other forms of conditioning than those who can stay highly aware and sharply focused.
Software that is generally referred to as Artificial Intelligence (AI) will never come even close to natural intelligence (NI) which we still don't understand at all.
Why do fanatical ego-bashers always have the biggest egos?
Every cause produces a corresponding effect, so an intelligent effect is likely caused by an intelligent cause.
It is statistically impossible that every of billions of intelligent effects is caused by dumb luck.
Even if half of all intelligent effects were caused by dumb luck, who or what is the intelligence behind the other half?
If simple subatomic particles can immediately change their properties even while thousands of light-years apart, then it is surely possible to also happen within the cells of our bodies and brains.
Selfish and silly short-term thinking is simply inherent in Machine Man philosophy.
Machine Man faithfully believes that a conscious intelligent mind came from unconscious dumb matter, by sheer luck and for no reason or purpose.
“You're a quack,” said the quack. Or nowadays, “You're a racist,” said the racist.
By the verdict of today's science we are said to be uninvolved virtuous victims who are pushed and shoved around by the mysterious spasms of our brains, respectively the unknowable intentions and machinations of the unconscious.
Believing in a non-existent unconscious simply reveals the not knowing about how the mind and our memory fundamentally works or who we really are.
All quotes may be freely republished provided they are left unchanged and full credit is given.
To read some more selected quotes, see also Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 4.
To delve a bit deeper into the book, check out Arne’s feature article on GrahamHancock.com
Beyond Machine Man is widely available in Hardcover, Paperback or as an Ebook. E.g. in the USA from Barnes & Noble, Amazon or Kobo, Booktopia in Australia, Waterstones in the UK, and Hugendubel in Germany.
Topics covered include: #philosophy #consciousness #neuroscience #psychology #psychiatry #transhumanism #posthumanism #mind #memory #spirituality #pharmaceuticals #health #unconsciousmind #identity #ego #society #racism #technocracy #AI #robotics #quantumphysics #evolution #life #intelligence #immortality #biology #biochemistry #CRISPRCas9 #DNA #geneediting #astrophysics #transpermia #simulationtheory #machineman #homocredo #homomysticum #homodigitalis