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(All quotes may be freely republished if left unchanged with full credit.)
The good respect and treasure free will, theirs and others, while the bad got corrupted to help the ugly who wish to rule us all, having convinced themselves of their superiority. (2024)
P.S. Lunatics should be in a mental asylum, not rule the world.
Since we do have free will, nothing or nobody has any or total control over our minds, unless we ourselves have ceded our sovereignty for some reason or another.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2024)
Gatekeepers fancy themselves as upholders of standards while primarily impeding progress as essentially corrupt enforcers of the status quo. (2024)
We seem to live in an age of accelerating polarities where the good become better, the bad worse, the smart smarter, the dumb dumber, the kind kinder, the mean meaner, the rich richer, the poor poorer, the happy happier, and the unhappy ever more so. (etc. etc.) (2024)
The real problem is a parasite class that creates problems to propose solutions that mainly benefit itself. (2024)
Those who want to take over our inherent free will or outright deny its existence* are unlikely to have our best interests at heart.
* based on a whimsical and supposedly scientific experiment, as revealed and refuted in Beyond Machine Man (2021).
Ignorance, idiocy and incompetence goes a long way to explain incredibly insane ideas. (2023)
Those who create money out of nothing are laughing when everybody else is fighting over crumbs. (2023)
Those who divide and rule us are laughing when we are arguing among ourselves. (23)
Ultimately, almost all problems are caused by a few wanting to control the many. (2023)
Moral relativism ultimately means that anything goes.
P.S. Eventually, even its proponents may live to regret it... (2023)
Prophets of gloom and doom are rarely right, if ever. :-) (2023)
Those who deliberately turn everything upside down simply want us to be divided, distracted and discouraged. (2023)
Allow yourself to be owned and they will be happy. ;-) (2023)
The perpetually joyless have a tendency to become killjoys, wanting to spoil the fun for everyone else too. (2023)
On matters of importance, the opposite of what we are told to believe is likely to be the truth. (2023)
Transhumanism is a bit of a cult for the scientifically challenged and spiritually starved. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
We are said to be all one so it is perfectly alright that a few self-selected special ones get to decide everything for everybody else, right? (2023)
P.S. Ah, the many concoctions used to deprive us of our inherent free will...
Strangely, some consider themselves to be particularly smart even though they just repeat what they were told to believe. (2023)
Actually, most if not all bad guys also think that they are the good guys doing the right thing. (2023)
In both the big and small picture, the world is still a wonderful place despite a few trying to spoil it for the many. (2023)
We can neither take credit for our ancestors' achievements nor are we to blame for their mistakes – no matter what those who divide and rule us with ego (identity) politics say. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
We all have the power to decide what we think and believe or how we feel and act at any given moment in our lives; it is probably best to never ever give away this power to anyone, for any reasons. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
“You're a quack,” said the quack. Or nowadays, “You're a racist,” said the racist.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
AI is safe and effective; it safely discourages people from thinking for themselves and effectively tells us what to believe. (2023)
To tolerate those who instigate and implement tyranny means to accept being their slaves. (2022)
Simply ignoring incredibly insane ideas is sometimes the best course of action.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Keep walking away from merchants of fear, and be happy instead!
~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2022)
If you don't control your mind, somebody else will. ~ Yes I Am Happy Now!
P.S. Or worse, already does... ;-) (2022)
Selfish and silly short-term thinking is simply inherent in Machine Man philosophy.
P.S. The previous sentence says:
In short, environmental degradation and all forms of exploitation are just some of the dire consequences of an overly materialistic worldview. ~ Beyond Machine Man (1 & 2)
Bad things happen when we allow ourselves to be ruled by the dumbest, meanest and most corrupt. (2021)
Imagine the day we started to thoroughly test leaders for psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism... ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Population control is a great idea once its proponents have led by example and duly disposed of themselves. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Real science is never really settled even though nowadays it is claimed to be by basically corrupt politicians controlled by selfish billionaires for nefarious political and economic purposes; they just love to parade their personal selection of questionable scientists in public while completely ignoring or outright censoring the many real experts who say otherwise. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2021; 1 & 2)
Transhumanism after all is a project of the elite continuing the ancient occult pursuit of becoming immortal gods and rule happily ever after. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
What is not allowed to be true, cannot be true, even though it is. Or, “He who has the gold and pays the scientists makes the rules." ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Some mistake their ruthlessness for intelligence. (2020)
Imagine the day we made warmongering illegal and war profiteering impossible. (2020)
Should we feel bad just because others want us to? (2018)
Fortunately, we are not required to share other people's delusions. (2018)
Independent thinkers are unlikely to be politically correct. (2018)
Most people just want to be left alone while some simply can't leave others alone. (2018)
A lie will never turn into the truth no matter how often it is repeated or believed.
People who actually still think and feel for themselves are admirable. (2018)
When the bad think they're doing good, bad things happen to good people. (2018)
Censorship is liked by authoritarians without arguments but much to hide. (2018)
Amazingly, proven serial liars actually expect us to believe their latest lies. (2018; 1 & 2)
Ignorance may indeed be bliss but it sure ain't healthy. (2018)
Why should we hate others just because some say so? (2018)
Bullies need to be bullied back or beaten badly to get them to back off. (2018)
It takes dumb and vicious people to applaud the dumb and vicious. (2018)
Bad things keep happening when good people are too divided, distracted or depressed to take action. (2018)
Why do we allow bad billionaires to buy our democracies? (2018)
Imagine a future where war profiteering is made both illegal and impossible... (2018)
A foreign policy of bribery, blackmail or bombs is bound to blowback badly. (2018)
Have you already duly hated the people we were told to hate today? (2018)
Strangely, the promoters of diversity want us all to think alike. (2018)
It is strange when an insane elite believes that they are incredibly illuminated. (2018)
When many people believe nonsense, will it become less nonsensical? (2018)
Why should we the people have to suffer when the elites are fighting each other? (2018)
Why should we strive to be all the same when we are already perfect in our very uniqueness? (2018)
The truth does not require anyone believing it for it to be true; it just is. (2017)
Why should relatively free societies have to adapt to totally tyrannical ones? (2017)
We can defeat our adversaries without having to hate them. (2017)
It is strange when an immoral elite lectures the mostly moral majority about right and wrong. (2017)
Why should the mostly tolerant have to tolerate the totally intolerant? (2017)
All wars are instigated by the elite for the benefits of the elite. All killing and dying is done by the peasants. When will we ever learn? (2017)
Since all wars are elite wars, we don't need the EU or a One-world government – ruled by the elite, for the elite – to keep the peace. (2017)
Since all wars are started by and for the elite, who do we need to change or control to have more peace in the world? (2017)
The ruling class will change their warmongering-profiteering ways only if:
a) the endlessly 'divided and ruled' hate and fight each other in the streets.
b) lovingly united 'we the people' confront them and say how it's gonna be from now on. (2017; 1 / 2/ 3 )
Sometimes a change in perspective works wonders. (2017)
Anybody who promotes tensions between the world's biggest nuclear powers needs to be put into a mental asylum. (2017)
Civilizations that don't protect their women deserve to disappear. (2017)
News outlets by and for the elite simply can't delete or deny decades of publishing fake news. (2017)
Censorship is tyranny whether it is instituted by the left or the right. (2017)
Free speech saves us time and energy as it separates the wheat from the chaff. (2017)
All quotes may be freely republished if left unchanged with full credit.