Welcome to some practical insights in original one-liners.
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(All quotes may be freely republished if left unchanged with full credit.)
Much if not most of what we do is for love. We just want to love and feel loved. We compete and strive to be a winner for love. We chase and accumulate riches for love. We want to look beautiful to attract love. We yearn for power and fame for love. A nice house, a great car and much much more, all for love. The hunger for love is also behind our desire to feel accepted and respected, to get attention and admiration.
Since love is what we all want and need we might as well give it to ourselves and each other freely and happily without the need for detours and distractions. Let's love and feel loved. First and foremost. All good will happen. Love is. Everywhere and all the time. Tune in! And stay tuned in.
~ Merry Christians (2016, p.251)
When we allow other people and things to spoil our good mood more than momentarily, we only punish ourselves. (2024)
Holding grudges or worse only locks us into people, places and energies we may not wish or shouldn't want to keep experiencing. (2024)
The more untrue beliefs we harbor, the less happiness we experience. And vice versa.
At any moment, and with corresponding consequences, we are free to choose from focusing on the highest aspects of life to the lowest and anywhere in between.
P.S. Choose wisely or let others do it for you... (2024)
Presenting the Homo Machina story said to be science:
Machine Man faithfully believes that conscious intelligent life came by chance from unconscious, dumb and dead matter that nobody suddenly made out of nothing for no reasons at all.
P.S. Yeah, sure... But, but, it is science you know and if you don't believe this, you are a very backward person who still falls for fairy tales... ;-) (2024)
Life is a function of the manifold past, present and possibly future expressions of our free will or its ultimately voluntary subjugation (to the will of others). (2024)
Since we do have free will, nothing or nobody has any or total control over our minds, unless we ourselves have ceded our sovereignty for some reason or another.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2024)
We seem to live in an age of accelerating polarities where the good become better, the bad worse, the smart smarter, the dumb dumber, the kind kinder, the mean meaner, the rich richer, the poor poorer, the happy happier, and the unhappy ever more so. (etc. etc.) (2024)
So many people have so many opinions yet only few of their own. (2024)
We are neither just nothing nor absolutely everything (despite prevailing science and philosophies saying so). (2023)
Ignorance, idiocy and incompetence goes a long way to explain incredibly insane ideas. (2023)
P.S. Not everything is a conspiracy… ;-)
Moral relativism ultimately means that anything goes.
P.S. Eventually, even its proponents may live to regret it... (2023)
Prophets of gloom and doom are rarely right, if ever. :-) (2023)
P.S. So we might as well relax and be happy! :-)
Some people are good examples of being a bad example. :-)
P.S. We can learn both from good and bad examples... (2023)
People who seriously believe that life is meaningless are bound to become both depressed and depressing cynics. (2023)
On matters of importance, the opposite of what we are told to believe is likely to be the truth. (2023)
Strangely, some consider themselves to be particularly smart even though they just repeat what they were told to believe. (2023)
Actually, most if not all bad guys also think that they are the good guys doing the right thing. (2023)
In both the big and small picture, the world is still a wonderful place despite a few trying to spoil it for the many. (2023)
We all have the power to decide what we think and believe or how we feel and act at any given moment in our lives; it is probably best to never ever give away this power to anyone, for any reasons. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Strictly speaking, our decisions are either intelligent or dumb to various degrees. (2023)
Widespread misconceptions about ego have ruined a great many relationships. (2023)
By deciding not to love our loved ones we mostly punish ourselves. (2023)
It takes intelligence to recognize intelligence, or the lack of it. (2023)
Bad beliefs lead to bad thoughts; bad thoughts lead to bad actions; bad actions lead to bad results; bad results lead to bad feelings. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Knowing who we really are has the potential to unite the deeply divided, to break the curse of racism, and solve the many social, economic and ecological problems still plaguing us today. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Our mind works a bit like a search program in a computer. ~ Yes I Am Happy Now!
P.S. What do you search for…?
Love, say what you want, do what you can, hope for the best, and surrender the rest.
~ Merry Christians (2022)
Simply ignoring incredibly insane ideas is sometimes the best course of action.
~ Beyond Machine Man
There is something we can learn from everyone we meet – listen carefully and find out what it is! ~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (28/365)
Some seek the truth, others confirmation of their beliefs. ~ Beyond Machine Man
Ignorance may indeed be bliss but it sure ain't healthy. (2018)
P.S. “If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.” — Hippocrates
On matters of importance, the opposite of what we are told to believe is likely to be the truth.
If you don't control your mind, somebody else will. ~ Yes I Am Happy Now!
P.S. Or worse, already does... ;-)
We all have our reasons to feel hurt and 'play the victim' – let it all go and be happy again! ~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (14/365)
Sanity requires thinking for yourself. (2018)
I don’t need to have too many opinions!
I can change my opinions!
I can be quiet!
~ Yes I Am Happy Now! (1999), Realizations 44 - 46 of 99
We all make mistakes!
I know when I made a mistake!
I can admit my mistakes!
I understand and learn from my mistakes!
I am tolerant of mistakes, mine and other’s!
~ Yes I Am Happy Now! (1999), Realizations 62 - 66 of 99
Wanting to feel superior is a sure sign of feeling a bit inferior. (2018)
Should we feel bad just because others want us to? (2018)
Daring to be kind is a sign of strength, not weakness. (2017)
People with widely scattered minds are more likely to become victims of hypnosis, brainwashing or other forms of conditioning than those who can stay highly aware and sharply focused. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
The fewer of us who know who we really are, the more fears we will collectively have as a culture. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
P.S. And the easier we can be controlled by unscrupulous actors (to put it mildly).
Be truly grateful for all the good people and things in your life — and you’re happy right away! (13/365)
Bad beliefs lead to bad thoughts; bad thoughts lead to bad actions; bad actions lead to bad results; bad results lead to bad feelings. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Some people are good examples of being a bad example.
P.S. We can learn both from good and bad examples... Thank you!
You can’t change the past — accept it and let resentments go, but remember the lesson(s)! (53/365)
By being kind we first and foremost reward ourselves, yet also make the world a better place. (2017)
We all have the power to decide what we think and believe or how we feel and act at any given moment in our lives; it is probably best to never ever give away this power to anyone, for any reasons. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Prophets of gloom and doom are rarely right, if ever.
P.S. So we might as well relax and be happy! :-)
Today I let go of all that caused anger and pain, sorrows and grief, disappointments and tears.
I fondly remember the joyful experiences, the achievements earned and the lessons learned;
I happily keep the best and lovingly surrender the rest!
From now on I welcome and accept all that brings joy, satisfaction and success.
I'm grateful for everything that adds to my health, wealth and wisdom,
I joyfully focus on all that increases my love, peace and happiness!
~ Merry Christians (2016, p. 108)
All quotes may be freely republished if left unchanged with full credit.
For some happy & inspiring insights, see Happy Stuff.
For my more political insights, see Political Musings.