Welcome to always the latest of my public posts!
And the entire collection going back to the very first one in 2017.
There’s much food for thought. Happy Wondering & Pondering!
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(All quotes may be freely republished if left unchanged with full credit.)
Much if not most of what we do is for love. We just want to love and feel loved. We compete and strive to be a winner for love. We chase and accumulate riches for love. We want to look beautiful to attract love. We yearn for power and fame for love. A nice house, a great car and much much more, all for love. The hunger for love is also behind our desire to feel accepted and respected, to get attention and admiration.
Since love is what we all want and need we might as well give it to ourselves and each other freely and happily without the need for detours and distractions. Let's love and feel loved. First and foremost. All good will happen. Love is. Everywhere and all the time. Tune in! And stay tuned in.
~ Merry Christians (2016, p.251)
Today I let go of all that caused anger and pain, sorrows and grief, disappointments and tears.
I fondly remember the joyful experiences, the achievements earned and the lessons learned;
I happily keep the best and lovingly surrender the rest!
From now on I welcome and accept all that brings joy, satisfaction and success.
I'm grateful for everything that adds to my health, wealth and wisdom,
I joyfully focus on all that increases my love, peace and happiness!
~ Merry Christians (2016, p.108)
When we allow other people and things to spoil our good mood more than momentarily, we only punish ourselves. (2024)
Holding grudges or worse only locks us into people, places and energies we may not wish or shouldn't want to keep experiencing. (2024)
The more untrue beliefs we harbor, the less happiness we experience. And vice versa.
At any moment, and with corresponding consequences, we are free to choose from focusing on the highest aspects of life to the lowest and anywhere in between.
P.S. Choose wisely or let others do it for you... (2024)
Presenting the Homo Machina story said to be science:
Machine Man faithfully believes that conscious intelligent life came by chance from unconscious, dumb and dead matter that nobody suddenly made out of nothing for no reasons at all.
P.S. Yeah, sure... But, but, it is science you know and if you don't believe this, you are a very backward person who still falls for fairy tales... ;-) (2024)
Life is a function of the manifold past, present and possibly future expressions of our free will or its ultimately voluntary subjugation (to the will of others). (2024)
If AI reasons wrong just as its creators do, is there any actual purpose other than manipulating public perceptions? (2024)
The good respect and treasure free will, theirs and others, while the bad got corrupted to help the ugly who wish to rule us all, having convinced themselves of their superiority.
P.S. Lunatics should be in a mental asylum, not rule the world. (2024)
Since we do have free will, nothing or nobody has any or total control over our minds, unless we ourselves have ceded our sovereignty for some reason or another.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2024)
Gatekeepers fancy themselves as upholders of standards while primarily impeding progress as essentially corrupt enforcers of the status quo. (2024)
We seem to live in an age of accelerating polarities where the good become better, the bad worse, the smart smarter, the dumb dumber, the kind kinder, the mean meaner, the rich richer, the poor poorer, the happy happier, and the unhappy ever more so. (etc. etc.) (2024)
Real intelligence is inspired but not every inspiration is intelligent. (2024)
The pinnacle of natural intelligence is being able to instantly and correctly assess complex real-life situations and to immediately know the best course of action; that is the measure AI has to meet (not fooling the easily fooled). (2024)
Amazingly, many actually applaud AI that allows our betters to better loot, lie and spy for ever more profit and control. (2024)
It seems rather shameless to plagiarize all expressions of humanity's past, present and future natural intelligence and creativity and call it artificial intelligence. (2024)
Information or data cannot be conscious no matter the amount or the manner of its processing. (2024)
AI that always reveals the full truth about everything is unlikely to ever be allowed to exist (at least publicly). (2024)
Machine Man billionaires with a God complex want their machines appear to be more human while making actual humans ever less so. (2024)
Programmed accordingly, AI can always pretend to be intelligent, conscious and alive but it will be neither, ever.
P.S. Current and future AI may fool many, but not the naturally (highly) intelligent who have read Beyond Machine Man: Who we really are and why Transhumanism is just an empty promise! (2021)... ;-) (2024)
Only fools waste time and think for themselves when much smarter AI generously provided by benevolent billionaires knows far better anyway, right? ;-) (2024)
The real problem is a parasite class that creates problems to propose solutions that mainly benefit itself. (2024)
So many people have so many opinions yet only few of their own. (2024)
We are neither just nothing nor absolutely everything (despite prevailing science and philosophies saying so). (2023)
Eventually, we really should have a world government ruled by a supremely intelligent AI, safely and effectively programmed by benevolent billionaires who surely would never even think about betraying our trust, right? (2023)
Ignorance, idiocy and incompetence goes a long way to explain incredibly insane ideas. (2023)
The fact that we do have free will proves that we don't live in a simulation; free will cannot be simulated otherwise it wouldn't be free. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
The simulation hypothesis is not just implausible and irrational, but also highly dangerous as it turns real life into a real video game: everything goes because nothing is real anyway. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Those who create money out of nothing are laughing when everybody else is fighting over crumbs. (2023)
Those who divide and rule us are laughing when we are arguing among ourselves. (23)
But of course, it is perfectly fine with me if Machine Man scientists want to consider themselves to be just slow and hallucinating user illusions, as long as they only speak for themselves. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
(Eventually) The exceptionally evil have it equally coming.
P.S. Not a threat, not a warning, just a friendly reminder of basic physics, to whom it may concern... ;-) (2023)
A wide range of harmless sounding ‘off-target effects’ are likely to hinder the widespread adoption of both gene editing and therapies. Besides unintended genetic modifications and mutations, there is the propensity for lasting genetic damage (as in permanently changing our or other species), the initiation of all kinds of tumors and cancers, and you can’t make it up, a “significantly increased mortality.” Wow, that sure is an off-target effect! ~ Beyond Machine Man
Machine Man is commonly more fearful than the general specimen of Homo Credo, who in turn is generally more afraid than Mystic Man, who has essentially conquered fear for good. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Ultimately, almost all problems are caused by a few wanting to control the many. (2023)
Moral relativism ultimately means that anything goes.
P.S. Eventually, even its proponents may live to regret it... (2023)
Reality is that our brains and minds are essentially a near total mystery. So no matter the fervent desire or exuberant enthusiasm of Homo Digitalis – the transhumanist subspecies of Machine Man – wanting to live forever, it is obviously not going to be a simple matter of copy and paste, or plug and play. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Prophets of gloom and doom are rarely right, if ever. :-) (2023)
Despite their complete lack of knowledge and understanding about the very basics of consciousness, Machine Man still insists with a religious fervor that is cloaked in the mantle of science that consciousness can only arise out of particles that have no consciousness. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Some people are good examples of being a bad example. :-)
P.S. We can learn both from good and bad examples... (2023)
Those who deliberately turn everything upside down simply want us to be divided, distracted and discouraged. (2023)
People who seriously believe that life is meaningless are bound to become both depressed and depressing cynics. (2023)
It is not particularly surprising that video gamers who like to waste their real lives in fake worlds have a hard time distinguishing between what is real and what is not. They simply extrapolate from their favorite pastime to believing that we all, not just them, live in a computer simulation. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
The piling of two 'might happen' on top of two assumptions to make an assertion of truth puts the simulation theory well and truly in the realm of science fiction, not science fact. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Allow yourself to be owned and they will be happy. ;-) (2023)
The perpetually joyless have a tendency to become killjoys, wanting to spoil the fun for everyone else too. (2023)
Funnily, Machine Man science seriously says that we shouldn't exist. But obviously, we do exist. No matter what the models say. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Homo Digitalis [the transhumanist subspecies of Machine Man] hates the very idea of a God, but loves to play God by creating algorithms they hope will turn into a God to first serve then rule us all. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
On matters of importance, the opposite of what we are told to believe is likely to be the truth. (2023)
There simply is no randomness in intelligent achievements, and neither are they just hallucinations of assorted user illusions created by capricious brains.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Non-reductive physicalism is the very widespread philosophical view that mind and consciousness cannot be reduced to matter but are still caused by matter; essentially it is Machine Man believing in magic without admitting it.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
We are said to be all one so it is perfectly alright that a few self-selected special ones get to decide everything for everybody else, right? (2023)
Transhumanism is a bit of a cult for the scientifically challenged and spiritually starved. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Never mind the details, Homo Digitalis hopes to perpetually enjoy highly augmented forms of cybersex and other superlative sensual and intellectual delights. Besides totally awesome physical prowess. To forever lord over the ordinary folks that can't possibly afford any such things. Sorry, but regular folks just have to keep dying. After they've finished a lifetime full of hard work, that is. Doing the things robots can't do yet. Or will refuse to do because it would simply be beneath them.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Strangely, some consider themselves to be particularly smart even though they just repeat what they were told to believe. (2023)
Those who want to take over our inherent free will or outright deny its existence* are unlikely to have our best interests at heart. (2023)
* based on a whimsical and supposedly scientific experiment, as revealed and refuted in Beyond Machine Man (2021).
Actually, most if not all bad guys also think that they are the good guys doing the right thing. (2023)
In both the big and small picture, the world is still a wonderful place despite a few trying to spoil it for the many. (2023)
We all have the power to decide what we think and believe or how we feel and act at any given moment in our lives; it is probably best to never ever give away this power to anyone, for any reasons. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Strictly speaking, our decisions are either intelligent or dumb to various degrees. (2023)
“You're a quack,” said the quack. Or nowadays, “You're a racist,” said the racist.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
There is nothing that can truly allay this ultimate of fears for diehard believers in Machine Man philosophy who as a consequence often do die needlessly hard.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Widespread misconceptions about ego have ruined a great many relationships. (2023)
By deciding not to love our loved ones we mostly punish ourselves. (2023)
Transhumanists believe and preach sermons like this: “The computer knows best. Or better than us. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will save us from ourselves, from making mistakes, from the many human errors that lead to the destruction of our world. We dumb humans need to be saved by smart machines; we are fallible and can't trust ourselves so we have to trust infallible machines; we imperfect beings have to merge with perfect machines, and all will be well.” ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2023; 1 & 2 & 3)
AI is safe and effective; it safely discourages people from thinking for themselves and effectively tells us what to believe. (2023)
Computers will never become conscious as consciousness is not made by matter or bits and bytes. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
It takes intelligence to recognize intelligence, or the lack of it. (2023)
Bad beliefs lead to bad thoughts; bad thoughts lead to bad actions; bad actions lead to bad results; bad results lead to bad feelings. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Knowing who we really are has the potential to unite the deeply divided, to break the curse of racism, and solve the many social, economic and ecological problems still plaguing us today. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2023)
Hopefully, the thoughts and information contained in this book will help to put the sparkle back into a great many eyes, invigorate countless tired minds, put the spring back in many of my readers' steps, cure thousands of broken hearts, free numerous souls from the needless scourge of fear, and enable a myriad of spirits to soar ever higher and set them free to live a most amazing life in the beautiful here and now!
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2023; 1 & 2 & 3)
Our mind works a bit like a search program in a computer.
~ Yes I Am Happy Now! (2022)
Love, say what you want, do what you can, hope for the best, and surrender the rest.
~ Merry Christians (2022)
Why are there or how could there be battles of will if there would be no willpower or free will? ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
The continually proclaimed and therefore very widely believed story about a chemical imbalance in the brain that needs to be corrected is pure fiction; there is no scientific basis or factual evidence at all. Actually, the very opposite is true: these drugs are causing an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. ~ Beyond Machine Man 1 & 2
Selective memories are also a matter of choice, whether we are honest enough to admit it to ourselves, or not. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
To tolerate those who instigate and implement tyranny means to accept being their slaves. (2022)
Believing in a non-existent unconscious simply reveals the not knowing about how the mind and our memory fundamentally works or who we really are.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
What would be the value of recovering and preserving all of our past hallucinations, if that were even possible? It would be like a digital photo album nobody ever watches. Who would really care to see or feel every mental and emotional mirage the mere illusions of aunt Margaret or uncle Bill ever had over the course of their lifetimes?
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022; 1 & 2)
Knowing who we really are means to know the big picture, and to act accordingly.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Simply ignoring incredibly insane ideas is sometimes the best course of action.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
There is something we can learn from everyone we meet – listen carefully and find out what it is! ~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2022)
Perhaps one day, quantum physics will be able to show that we, the who we really are, cause constant quantum collapses with our thoughts and deliberations, with our observations and desires. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
When we are strong and happy, vibrating at high energy levels, our immune system works properly and all is fine. ~ Yes I Am Happy Now! (2022)
We all have our reasons to feel hurt and 'play the victim' – let it all go and be happy again! ~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2022)
Keep walking away from merchants of fear, and be happy instead!
~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2022)
Dare to trust your instincts and be your own authority – and you'll be truly confident and happy! ~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2022)
If you don't control your mind, somebody else will. ~ Yes I Am Happy Now!
P.S. Or worse, already does... ;-) (2022)
Presumably, even a supercomputer that were to magically become conscious would get bored replaying somebody else's recordings of their now dead brain's past hallucinations. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Today's AI is not much more than pattern-recognition software performed by computers that can execute such boring tasks faster than we humans can.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Arrogance is a sign of insecurity yet the insecure like to call the confident arrogant.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
So the idea that we really have to merge with machines in order to keep up with AI, another splendid idea of Elon Musk, is simply nonsense. Or fearmongering. Most likely it is all about self promotion. Nowadays it's called 'shockvertising' (shock advertising). It sells well. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022; 1 & 2)
Selfish and silly short-term thinking is simply inherent in Machine Man philosophy.
P.S. The previous sentence says:
In short, environmental degradation and all forms of exploitation are just some of the dire consequences of an overly materialistic worldview. ~ Beyond Machine Man (1 & 2)
From bit to it (information to matter) however is only partially true.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Once we fully realize again who we really are, we will automatically experience more of our true inherent positive feelings and less negative emotions.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
By believing Machine Man and therefore denying and not knowing who we really are, we literally dim our lights, diminish our awareness, and throttle our energy to sometimes barely sustainable levels. Further believing the erroneous belief of a fictitious unconscious only weakens us more, creates a great deal of confusion and much unhappiness. Or worse, a kind of split mind or outright multiple personality disorder ('dissociative identity disorder'). ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022; 1 & 2)
It really should read like this: The brain's illusory creation of a subconscious mind later informs yet another illusion, the conscious mind, of the decisions it took. Got it? It's simple really, once you get used to confused thinking.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022; 1 & 2)
Have you already duly hated the people we were told to hate today? (2022)
So what is it, nature or nurture? In short, it is both and neither.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
In the meantime, in sharp contrast and not at all surprising, Machine Man psychologists are literally afraid of their brains. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
People with widely scattered minds are more likely to become victims of hypnosis, brainwashing or other forms of conditioning than those who can stay highly aware and sharply focused. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
The problem with the easy problems is only that they too are actually hard problems since none of them have been solved yet. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
What is a life worth in a purely random world of mere matter where anything goes and nothing matters? ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
If simple subatomic particles can immediately change their properties even while thousands of light-years apart, then it is surely possible to also happen within the cells of our bodies and brains. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Not knowing any of the basic answers to all of the crucial questions however is certainly no obstacle to diehard disciples of transhumanism and their newly-found religion for atheists. And a religion it sure is; it is featuring all the required hallmarks and dogmatic beliefs. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Indeed, the very indecisive among us are further proof of free will.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
Beliefs that are aligned with truths usually bring happiness, and vice versa.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2022)
There is not much difference between a real scientist and a true mystic after all; they equally share the genuine longing, deep passion and continuous search for finding ever deeper truths. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
“Arne Klingenberg, author of Beyond Machine Man, is a featured author on my website this month. Arne’s book takes the reader on a deep dive into what it means to be human, the root of our inherent flaws and the nature of consciousness.”
~ Graham Hancock (2021)
In short, messing around with our genes, upsetting a finely balanced ecosystem, creating genomic instability, and disrupting the functionality of otherwise perfectly normal genes is just not a very smart idea. Machine Man still has to wise up to the basic formula of 'If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.' Especially so since any damage done cannot be reverted back to normal, and even worse, will affect many future generations to come. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Bad things happen when we allow ourselves to be ruled by the dumbest, meanest and most corrupt. (2021)
Software that is generally referred to as Artificial Intelligence (AI) will never come even close to natural intelligence (NI) which we still don't understand at all.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Furthermore, AI (a.k.a. automated idiots) will not exceed HI (human intelligence). And computers will never become conscious (as consciousness is not made by matter or bits and bytes), or God-like (as in turning into some kind of super intelligent, all-knowing and all-powerful sentient entity or being). ~ Beyond Machine Man (1 & 2)
Imagine the day we started to thoroughly test leaders for psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism... ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Population control is a great idea once its proponents have led by example and duly disposed of themselves. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Homo Digitalis [the transhumanist subspecies of Machine Man] believes that they are the most rational people ever. They claim to only believe in what science says. Yet amazingly, most actually don't seem to know what neuroscience really says about who they are. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2021; 1 & 2)
On CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, from chapter Homo Digitalis:
The technique results in far more errors than previously thought. And worse, it is also more difficult to actually find and eliminate such defective and unwanted outcomes. Which of course is not exactly what transhumanist hopefuls would like to hear.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2021; 1 & 2 & 3)
'Oops, your baby girl will just have to live with a lot of rather long facial hair, besides having only three fingers and four toes. But don't worry, we now know the problem and it will be fixed on your next child.'
Also from chapter Homo Digitalis on CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing... the last meta-research published in 2020 came to the conclusion that “only one in ten medical treatments are backed by high-quality evidence.”
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2021; 1 & 2 & 3)
Why should or how could any of our thoughts be real or beliefs be true if they really were the mere product of inexplicable and mostly random movements of atoms in our brains? ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Obviously, there is no machinery we can build that comes even remotely close to this kind of miniaturized marvel of biological engineering. Beaten by a single-celled bacteria (without a PhD). ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
P.S. For full context, read the second challenge of My 3 public Challenges to transhumanist Homo Digitalis!
The failure to locate physical traces of memory should also not be all that surprising upon considering the fundamental reality of Molecular Turnover.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Even a most detailed temporary snapshot of our brains will not magically make us alive again when it is run as a software version on a computer that operates an artificial robot body. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Sadly, a human-hating attitude is widely shared among equally self-hating elitists who mistake their ruthlessness for intelligence. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Real science is never really settled even though nowadays it is claimed to be by basically corrupt politicians controlled by selfish billionaires for nefarious political and economic purposes; they just love to parade their personal selection of questionable scientists in public while completely ignoring or outright censoring the many real experts who say otherwise. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2021; 1 & 2)
But that whimsical and supposedly scientific experiment is being used to state with the full magnitude and absolute authority of science that there is no free will. Incredible but true. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
The brain is supposedly doing something that is unspecified and unclear as of today's knowledge, yet this unspecified and unclear activity still produces one of the seventy-seven very specific and clearly defined emotions we have identified above.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
The placebo and nocebo effect proves both optimists and pessimists right.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
If we really were only a hallucinating user illusion, a conscious mind that has nothing to say and can only observe the machinations of the subconscious mind, both supposedly being the creations of the brain, why would we want to transfer the brain's illusions anyway? ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2021; 1 & 2)
Fake it until you make it only works if you can convincingly lie to yourself.
~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
The same mental health experts also say that we should “fake it until you make it.” It is one of their attempts to reprogram what does not exist, to foolishly fool a supposedly foolish unconscious or subconscious mind. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Despite their complete lack of knowledge and understanding about the very basics of consciousness, Machine Man still insists with a religious fervor that is cloaked in the mantle of science that consciousness can only arise out of particles that have no consciousness. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
Which of course would raise the hypothetical question of who would really be in charge of it all: the magically suddenly conscious machine or the essence of the billionaire whose body (and brain) has died? Well, maybe they would take turns in some kind of futuristic marriage arrangement. Till death do them part. Or rather, something else like the repeated failure to pay their mutual electricity bills or ordering crucial spare parts in time. Oops.
Or maybe it is their endless posthuman squabbling about differing romantic needs, choices of food or political preferences that will lead to a literally messy divorce or some gory domestic violence that may very well prove fatal. Who knows.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2021; 1 & 2 & 3)
Transhumanism after all is a project of the elite continuing the ancient occult pursuit of becoming immortal gods and rule happily ever after. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2021)
We all have the power to decide what we think and believe or how we feel and act at any given moment in our lives; it is probably best to never ever give away this power to anyone, for any reasons. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2020)
And likewise, cryogenically frozen brains, with or without their bodies still attached, a favorite insurance policy play of the very wealthy and desperately hopeful, are still dead too. Just like the frozen steaks in your freezer department (or frozen tofu, for vegans). They will never ever turn into a living and grazing cow again (or sprouting soybean), no matter the hyped and hoped for technology to be.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020; 1 & 2)
The day pharmaceutical companies can willfully design and make drugs that are totally free of any and all negative side effects is the time we can trust that they truly know what they are doing. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
The continually proclaimed and therefore very widely believed story about a chemical imbalance in the brain that needs to be corrected is pure fiction; there is no scientific basis or factual evidence at all. Actually, the very opposite is true: these drugs are causing an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. ~ Beyond Machine Man (2020)
Not even one of all these psychotropic medications came about as the result of deliberate rational drug design based on existing scientific insights or cutting-edge research. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
What is not allowed to be true, cannot be true, even though it is. Or, “He who has the gold and pays the scientists makes the rules." ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
But of course, it is perfectly fine with me if Machine Man scientists want to consider themselves to be just slow and hallucinating user illusions, as long as they only speak for themselves. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Sadly, the schizophrenic belief in a non-existent unconscious has turned many people into confused schizophrenics, and will likely continue to do so.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
By the verdict of today's science we are said to be uninvolved virtuous victims who are pushed and shoved around by the mysterious spasms of our brains, respectively the unknowable intentions and machinations of the unconscious.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Some people pray to a probable superior intelligence, others to the entirely fictitious unconscious. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Homo Digitalis hates the very idea of a God, but loves to play God by creating algorithms they hope will turn into a God to first serve then rule us all.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Ultimately, transhumanism is just an empty promise by people who are mortally afraid of dying. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Non-reductive physicalism is the very widespread philosophical view that mind and consciousness cannot be reduced to matter but are still caused by matter; essentially it is Machine Man believing in magic without admitting it. ~ Beyond Machine Man /2020
There simply is no randomness in intelligent achievements, and neither are they just hallucinations of assorted user illusions created by capricious brains.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Just because something cannot be explained or measured does not mean that it does not happen or exist. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Why should I have to pay my speeding tickets when the culprits were unknown twitches of my brain and its hallucinating user illusion that made the car go faster than some other user illusions deemed to be the maximum speed limit?
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Machine Man faithfully believes that a conscious intelligent mind came from unconscious dumb matter, by sheer luck and for no reason or purpose.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Anomalies essentially prove that the impossible is indeed possible.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Limiting our minds makes the possible impossible. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Limiting our minds literally means to have a small mind.
~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Chronic unhappiness requires a change of beliefs. ~ Beyond Machine Man / (2020)
Imagine the day we made warmongering illegal and war profiteering impossible. (2020)
One world, one religion. I'm both pleased and honored to be a contributing author to the 20-Year Anniversary issue of SoulfulLiving. (2020)
Some mistake their ruthlessness for intelligence. (2020)
Those who hate others likely hate themselves too. (2019)
Some seek the truth, others confirmation of their beliefs. (2018)
When many people believe nonsense, will it become less nonsensical? (2018)
Dare to discover and discard all self-defeating beliefs. (2018)
We are solely responsible for our own actions or non-actions (no matter what blame-gamers say). (2018)
Should we feel bad just because others want us to? (2018)
Fortunately, we are not required to share other people's delusions. (2018)
Define your limits and you are unlikely to exceed them. (2018)
Independent thinkers are unlikely to be politically correct. (2018)
Most people just want to be left alone while some simply can't leave others alone. (2018)
A lie will never turn into the truth no matter how often it is repeated or believed.
People who actually still think and feel for themselves are admirable. (2018)
When the bad think they're doing good, bad things happen to good people. (2018)
We are not our given or chosen labels no matter how much we may think so. (2018)
Censorship is liked by authoritarians without arguments but much to hide. (2018)
Happy people know how to have a good time even during bad times.
~ Yes I Am Happy Now! (2018)
Don’t expect to receive approval, respect or love from those who don’t yet know themselves! ~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2018)
Amazingly, proven serial liars actually expect us to believe their latest lies. (2018; 1 & 2)
Happiness is a direct function of our beliefs. (2018)
Ignorance may indeed be bliss but it sure ain't healthy. (2018)
Why should we hate others just because some say so? (2018)
Very few who feel morally superior ever are. (2018)
The very soft can be equally hard, and vice versa. (2018)
Bullies need to be bullied back or beaten badly to get them to back off. (2018)
If you can not laugh about yourself, somebody else will.
~ Yes I Am Happy Now! (2018)
It takes dumb and vicious people to applaud the dumb and vicious. (2018)
Bad things keep happening when good people are too divided, distracted or depressed to take action. (2018)
Why do we allow bad billionaires to buy our democracies? (2018)
Loving people are better lovers. (2018)
Imagine a future where war profiteering is made both illegal and impossible... (2018)
How smart is it to easily call others dumb? (2018)
A foreign policy of bribery, blackmail or bombs is bound to blowback badly. (2018)
Some say that life was created for no reasons by an endless streak of good luck involving dumb and dead matter that nobody made out of nothing. (2018)
Nobody can really make you feel bad unless you agree with it – so don’t agree and stay happy! ~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2018)
Wanting to feel superior is a sure sign of feeling a bit inferior. (2018)
The most neglected duty is the duty to be happy – do yours even if others don’t!
~ And The Happy Rabbit Says… (2018)
Some people's idea of being happy is to be constantly upset. (2018)
It is in our best self-interest to include the interests of everybody else. (2018)
Some say that somehow something came out of nothing and acted upon the nothing to produce everything, all for no reason. (2018)
Have you already duly hated the people we were told to hate today? (2018)
Strangely, the promoters of diversity want us all to think alike. (2018)
It is strange when an insane elite believes that they are incredibly illuminated. (2018)
It's all about consciousness, not (given or chosen) labels. (2018)
Sanity requires thinking for yourself. (2018)
Why should we the people have to suffer when the elites are fighting each other? (2018)
Why should we strive to be all the same when we are already perfect in our very uniqueness? (2018)
Religion is about experiencing, not believing; spiritual realities are either personally experienced, or not (yet).
The word religion says it very well in its Latin roots: religare, or 'to reconnect' – i.e. re (again) + ligare (connect, unite, tie together). ~ Merry Christians (2017)
The truth does not require anyone believing it for it to be true; it just is. (2017)
By being kind we first and foremost reward ourselves, yet also make the world a better place. (2017)
Why do fanatical ego-bashers always have the biggest egos? (2017)
No matter what relativists say, some truths truly are absolute; like me having written and posted this and you reading it now. (2017)
We can defeat our adversaries without having to hate them. (2017)
We can neither take credit for our ancestors' achievements nor are we to blame for their mistakes — no matter what those who divide and rule us with ego (identity) politics say. (2017; 1 / 2)
Why should relatively free societies have to adapt to totally tyrannical ones? (2017)
Being a generally loving and kind person does not exclude forceful self-defense. (2017)
It is strange when an immoral elite lectures the mostly moral majority about right and wrong. (2017)
Why should the mostly tolerant have to tolerate the totally intolerant? (2017)
Daring to be kind is a sign of strength, not weakness. (2017)
We are all special in our uniqueness so there is no particular need to 'play special.' (2017)
It is not intelligence but ignorance and insecurity that causes arrogance and other delusions of superiority. (2017)
The ruling class will change their warmongering-profiteering ways only if:
a) the endlessly 'divided and ruled' hate and fight each other in the streets.
b) lovingly united 'we the people' confront them and say how it's gonna be from now on. (2017; 1 / 2/ 3 )
Sometimes a change in perspective works wonders. (2017)
Every cause produces a corresponding effect, so an intelligent effect is likely caused by an intelligent cause. (2017)
It is statistically impossible that every of billions of intelligent effects is caused by dumb luck. (2017)
Even if half of all intelligent effects were caused by dumb luck, who or what is the intelligence behind the other half? ~ Beyond Machine Man (2017)
Anybody who promotes tensions between the world's biggest nuclear powers needs to be put into a mental asylum. (2017)
Appreciating and complaining takes the same time and energy but produces very different results. (2017)
Loving and hating takes the same time and energy but produces very different results. (2017)
Civilizations that don't protect their women deserve to disappear. (2017)
News outlets by and for the elite simply can't delete or deny decades of publishing fake news. (2017)
All wars are instigated by the elite for the benefits of the elite. All killing and dying is done by the peasants. When will we ever learn? (2017)
Since all wars are elite wars, we don't need the EU or a One-world government – ruled by the elite, for the elite – to keep the peace. (2017)
Since all wars are started by and for the elite, who do we need to change or control to have more peace in the world? (2017)
Censorship is tyranny whether it is instituted by the left or the right. (2017)
Free speech saves us time and energy as it separates the wheat from the chaff. (2017)
All quotes may be freely republished if left unchanged with full credit.